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My Story

I develop content, in all forms. And thrive on baby giggles, happy puppies, travel and challenges.

After 5 years managing the digital presence at a local news site (NY1 News), I became a founding member of Zazoom Media Group, a cutting-edge video company that tells stories people love to share. I built the newsroom, fostered distribution partnerships, launched a social presence, created a pilot pipeline and developed and implemented our architecture. When that wasn't enough, my fabulous husband and I decided to have a daughter. As is common, her birth shifted my priorities, ignited my dormant desire to build something of my own. For me. For her. And while for the past four years, Jason and I have been slowly incubating our own digital product and software development company, STRIKEink, and over the past year expanded our horizons and cultivated our relationships, Ouchie, our second funded iniative will finally be getting the rollout it deserves in the fall of 2015.  Outside of my work, here's what you need to know about me. I love challenges, my adorable family (including our miniature Schnauzer, Nibbler) the Philadelphia Eagles, and all things French. Also, I can't wink and I can't whistle.

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